Harnessing the Power of Technology to Revolutionize Farming

We integrate IoT, Big Data, and AI to deliver insights and efficiencies in livestock management. Our approach ensures healthier livestock, maximizes yields, and drives sustainable practices for the planet.
Over 1 Million Animals Tracked
98% Farmer Satisfaction
Revolutionary Livestock Tech
Join the ranks of foward - thinking organizations

The modern
farming challenge

In an ever-evolving world, the agricultural sector is caught at the crossroads of tradition and innovation.
Maintaining livestock health on a large scale requires keen oversight. Missed signs can lead to larger health concerns and decreased yield.
Balancing productivity with sustainability is no small feat. As the climate changes, so does the pressure on farms to adopt eco-friendly practices.

Introducing Farmpro. Pioneering the Future of Livestock Management

Smart Livestock Monitoring
Harness our IoT enabled devices to keep real-time tabs on each animal. Ensure their well-being, detect early signs of distress, and boost overall farm productivity.
Data-Driven Insights
Say goodbye to guesswork. Our Big Data analytics turn vast data points into actionable insights, guiding your decisions for optimal outcomes.
AI-Enhanced Farming
Leverage the power of AI to predict trends, optimize resources, and maximize yields. From feeding schedules to health analytics, our AI system is your expert assistant.
Cutting calf deaths lowers farm costs (estimated USD 4.2M savings for 10,000-head farm). We consult on carbon reduction linked to calf mortality for emission credits.
Smart Livestock Monitoring
Harness our IoT enabled devices to keep real-time tabs on each animal. Ensure their well-being, detect early signs of distress, and boost overall farm productivity.
Data-Driven Insights
Say goodbye to guesswork. Our Big Data analytics turn vast data points into actionable insights, guiding your decisions for optimal outcomes.
AI-Enhanced Farming
Leverage the power of AI to predict trends, optimize resources, and maximize yields. From feeding schedules to health analytics, our AI system is your expert assistant.
Cutting calf deaths lowers farm costs (estimated USD 4.2M savings for 10,000-head farm). We consult on carbon reduction linked to calf mortality for emission credits.

Unlocking Value with Farmpro: Across Farms, Finance, and Governance

Delivering transformative solutions from individual farmers to global policy-makers.

For Telecom and Insurance Providers

We work with telecom companies worldwide, using relay stations for data transmission to local servers, through long-term partnerships with global and regional providers.

FarmPlusCare tackles livestock insurance challenges by offering precise mortality data to lower premiums. By maintaining lifetime livestock data, we boost reliability, link to disaster insurance, and achieve cost savings.

For Governments and Municipalities

In a global perspective, there is an urgent need for alternative solutions to reduce carbon emissions from representative livestock, including cows and sheep.

Managing the mortality rate and diseases of young livestock can enhance the competitiveness of the livestock industry and achieve carbon reduction. On a national level, introducing electronic tagging allows the management of life-cycle data, establishing a system for early disease management across all industries.

Don't just take our word for it

What we do

We care for earth, care for the coming birth

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Building icon

Build healthy cities

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Environment icon

Plant trees

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Water icon

Protect land and water

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Animal icon

Protect animals

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Man petting a dog

Projects we have done

We are creating a sustainable society, for everyone and forever.

How we spend your donations and where it goes

We understand that when you make a  donation, you want to know exactly where your money is going and we pledge to be transparent.

40% planting trees
35% cleanliness program
10% helping people
10% animal safety
5% feeding the poor